Thursday, 5 November 2009

Fireworks night

Yep, it's that time of the year again. Fireworks are going off everywhere as we speak, and Ernie is not a happy bunny about it. He is terrified of fireworks. This is the second year we've had this problem and its horrible as we have fireworks going off in every direction and very close too. We try everything to help him like taking him for a walk before, doing lots of tricks while there going on and ignoring him. The tricks helped, but its hard work as he is so distracted. We just have to ignore him like all the books say, but I really do hate watching him shake and follow me everywhere. Well its only a few nights a year. Thank god.
Indi, my most scared dog is surprisingly unbothered. I took him for a walk before hand as well just in case, but he was completely fine! We even did some freestyle practice in the garden with them going off and he was completely focused! He did stop every now and then to stop and stare but was back jumping over my legs straight away! I'm very happy hes not bothered, it would be awful having two dogs stressed out of there minds.
I've only ever owned two dogs that have had these problems, Ben my old rescue BC who used to run upstairs when fireworks went off and Ernie. I'm not 100% sure how to deal with it so its trial and error at the moment and were just seeing whats working to help him not get too stressed. Getting him to do his back limp trick worked really well.
On other news, Max is slowly improving however I took him for a walk not long ago and he couldnt walk afterwards so he is getting better, but only if he doesnt go for walks. Poor Maximus, I miss walking my crazy Max.
At the moment, I am shaping Ernie to tip and push down on a little mini skateboard I got given from the build-a-bear workshop. He loves it, and its great to watch him think! In our first session he spent ages digging, and then tipping it when he got to the end so I clicked and treated the moment it tipped. Then he tried putting all four feet on the skateboard so I moved the skateboard while he was in this and he stayed on the whole time. It was a great exercise for building his trust in me more. With Indi I am working on basic obedience when walking him as a priority ready for the long road-walks next summer. I am also teaching him to jump over my legs and arms in sequence. He loves jumping over my legs and jumps really high! Our priority at the moment is to not pull on the lead, and I may also do some clicker work with Ernie on that as well as he's not very good either! It's never bothered me before with Ernie as he only ever pulls when hes with other dogs that pull or on our way to the field which is a few metres from our house. Other than that, Ernie never pulls. Oh well, we've got all winter to train it!
Well no new pics, although yesterday me and Ernie went for a really nice evening walk down the beach! He loved it, and so did I. It was great to walk with the frosty feeling in the air again, I sure do love that feeling! Yep, I am really enjoying winter at the moment:). It sure is my favourite season!

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