Monday, 5 October 2009

Happy birthday Ernie, Alfie and Kez!

Today is a pretty big day! It is Ernie's 3rd birthday, his brother Alfie's and also Kez, my nan's little lurcher crossbreed's 1st birthday! Ernie has come so far in such a short time, I am so proud of him! This time last year he only knew a few tricks, flyball was impossible and he had no recall around other dogs. It's a whole new story just a year on! He is such a clever little boy!
Alfie is still very unconfident, and is completely unmotivated. He is exactily like what Ernie used to be but as my nan doesn't have the time to spend with him like I do with Ernie he hasn't changed. Even so, he is still a very confident dog out on walks, is completely crazy and a very sweet little dog!
Kez is completely crazy, and I have clicker trained her to do quite a few tricks. She is such a sweet dog, its amazing to think that she's a year already! I still remember meeting her for the first time and how small and sweet she was!
So, for now some old pics and new pics of the two birthday boys and the birthday girl!
Kez the first time I met her!
Crazy little Alfie!
Kez, at around 4/5 months old!
Ernie and Lola on his first day with us!

Ernie on his first day!

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