Monday, 22 June 2009

Pics from our walks

The weather has been just perfect over the past few days. No rain, but not too hot and not too cold. I prefer it when its cooler, as it means the dogs can go for longer walks and Ernie doesn't have to worry about getting sun burnt. Yesterday it was perfect, cloudy yet not too cold. Me and Ernie went for a really long walk to the beach, and he was happy about chasing the stones in and we both had lots of fun!

Today it was a bit hotter, and the sun was shining so we couldn't go for as long but still had tonnes of fun! The little kind-of campsite at the field that we use as agility jumps has now got some rocks set up that looked perfect as use for weaving! Ernie had never really done proper 1 footed weaving with jumps except leg weaving so we had a go. They were just rocks so he couldn't go that fast, but he got the idea really well and had a lot of fun! As I don't have agility equipment at home, my nan does, but I dont then I just use whatever Ive got! Logs may not be the best subsitute for jumps as he can just climb over the jumps, but when were running fast he does jump right over! It's good for teaching 'get outs' and just having lots of fun and also making our walks more interesting!

Ernie jumping over a log we found at the park!

Ernie leg weaving. He just looks like he's having the time of his life, which he is! :)

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