So, yes he competed in his first flyball competition. It was only starters, but considering he's never been trained in flyball at all I was completely shocked. I had to run on the outside of the netting with him, the ball had to be rolled down the box and I had to tell him to get it but considering it was his first time ever actually doing it he did great! All that agility practice on logs really paid off as he knew exactily what to do and he went straight ahead, knowing all he had to do was run! The other dogs in the team was Forest my nan's Sprocker spaniel, Charlie a little terrier cross, Cadine a little collie cross and a Labrador (can't remember the name as he was an extra from another team). Altogether we came 4th, and Ernie got his first ever rosette in flyball!
There was also a little flyagility course set up, so on the days we weren't racing me and Ernie did some agility training on proper equipment. As it was quite empty on the last day (today) we did tonnes of work, especially on the tunnels as that's one thing we can't train at home. He did the chute well, but wasn't very confident going through it and so didn't a few times. The normal tunnel, after a few goes we got him going in with the command 'tunnel' and he loved it! I also competed with Fudge and Barnie and came 3rd in small-medium with Fudge and 3rd in medium-large with Barnie. With Fudge we didn't do the flyball as he can't really do it but instead just ran to the top and then ran all the way back down!
So, overall a fantastic weekend. A great experience for Ernie, and I also did some training with my nan's dogs. Kez the lurcher collie cross I taught to beg and give paw. Barnie the BC I did some leg weaving work with and played some frisbee which I got on film so will be able to add to my next video! Of course there is no place like home and it's nice to be back to Indi as he is now following me around everywhere probably worried I'm going to go somewhere without him again! Well no more camping trips for a while, but I will hopefully be going to a starters competition with Ernie in October a few days before his birthday so we will see! I have also got some photo's of Ernie doing flyball taken by one of the flyballers but I need to wait for them to be emailed to me! Hopefully that'll be soon, because they are awesome!
Well now some pics from the whole camping trip! It was such fun and I am so glad I decided to go after a lot of indecision. I forgot how much fun camping is! The dogs in the pic are Ernie obviously, Fudge the Springer Spaniel, Forest the Sprocker spaniel and Alfie Ernie's brother!